Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Training Notes

It's about time I update ya'll on my training that's occurred over the past week or so. Gather 'round for a rundown:

After an elliptical session at Bally's on Friday, I headed home to Pure Michigan for a long weekend with me and B's family. Though I planned a long run on Saturday, my mom informed my sister and I that on Saturday morning, we were to go on a long walk with her. During the run, I managed to convince my mom that she should become a bikram yoga studio in the small office building she and my dad own. She totally ran with the idea. Plans TBD, and probably will be for the rest of time...

Sunday, I used MapMyRun to plan a 9.25-mile run around my hometown. I felt strong for the most part, but the last 1.25 miles was tough. Not thinking, the only three major hills were planned for this part of the run. Mental note: Don't do that.

Mental Note #2: Don't do this.

After a two day hiatus from the gym, I was ready for the hamster wheel-like workout and headed to the gym with my mom and sister, where we ellipticalled (that's a verb, right?) and attended a yogilates class. Yogilates is just that -- yoga + pilates -- and I enjoyed the combination of strength and conditioning exercises with stretching. It made me realize that I'm missing the good sweat and stretch of a bikram yoga class. I'm hoping to get one in later this week; however, I'm none too excited about the $15/class fee at my local studio.

Back in Chicago, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in the confines of Bally's on the elliptical. Yes, I said I would run today, but between the wind and cool weather Chicago has experienced lately, I wasn't in the mood. I also said I'd update my blog, so one for two isn't bad.

In any case, I'm planning to celebrate tomorrow with an a.m. run. They're not my favorite, but I need to log a few miles and have an evening event to attend. Stay tuned for more (and more frequent) updates...

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