Here goes:
- Go to church more. I grew up in a very religious family that attended mass every Sunday, prayed before dinner, before bed, during road trips... you get the picture. I still love my faith and religion but become sloppy in the church attendance department. While I'm not certain I can commit to weekly attendance, I think every other week is a reasonable goal. Plus, I really enjoy besting myself so if I make it three out of four weekends, it's a win-win for me and God.
- Eat more ice cream.Yup, that's right. From church to ice-cream. But in all honestly, a soft serve cone with sprinkles is right up there with cake to me. Plus, there's a Baskin Robbins less than two blocks from my apartment, and the chain offers cones for just 88 cents! Let me know if you're game for helping me make this one happen...
- On the top of budgets, I'm going write one for every pay period and really, really try to stick to it. Enough said there.
- Leave work at a reasonable time, the majority of the time. Obviously, with little control over my workload and the unpredictable nature of PR, this one's going to be a challenge. What I do have control over, however, is what time I go to bed/am able to peel myself up in the morning and how efficient I am at work (i.e., amount of time spent using social media, grabbing lunch, reading non client-related news, etc.). Yea, this might mean I'm forced to work from my couch at night, clock in before 7:30 a.m. or set up camp at Starbucks for a few hours on a Saturday morning, but I'm convinced reasonable "outs" will make me a happy and more sane person.
- Embrace baseball. B. loves baseball as much as I love my celebrity gossip. Case in point: a few weeks ago while at a bar, he actually flipped opened his phone to a Web site, loaded up the box score for the Tigers' game on his cell phone and pressed refresh every few minutes in order to stay up to date. We've both vowed to take in more baseball games this summer both at Wrigley Field and U.S. Cellular, but beyond that, I'm going to make a better effort to read the sports section of the RedEye, pay attention to players, etc. Maybe he'll take an interest in Us Weekly...?
With this off my chest, I'm out for a five miler!
Now that I have graduated from college, I want to go to church more too. I went pretty much every sunday up until college.
ReplyDeleteI saw the 88 cent cones at Baskin Robbins. I wish there was one near me!
I totally need a goal to eat more ice cream! Great idea!
ReplyDeleteOh man I hear ya on this list :) Good luck with it girl!