Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let the Training Begin!

I like a good challenge. So when my older brother, Greg, told me he was planning to run the Chicago Marathon this fall -- a goal I've been harboring for the past two years -- my competitive spirit starting kicking, and I thought about running it this year, too. Then, we both learned the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) was forming a team for runners to race 26.2 miles and raise funds to support its mission, I knew I had to do it with him.

Fifteen years ago, my biological father died after loosing a 20-month battle with a brain tumor. I was eight-years-old when he died, but I very much remember everything from the moment we received the call learning that he was sick, to his last days at home. His death shaped my life in many ways, but most importantly, it made me a stronger and more compassionate and positive individual.

Every step of my training and race will be dedicated not only to him, but to the millions of those who have are suffering from or have died from a brain tumor, as well as their loved ones. Greg and I have formed Team TPM (Terry Paul Moore was the name of our dad) and will be raising at least $1,600 to fund brain tumor research and provide resources for patient and caregiver programs. Though we're separated by distance (he lives in Kalamazoo, Mich.), we'll be maintaining a similar training schedule so we can motivate and encourage each other from afar.

I'm incredibly excited to take on this challenge and help benefit a cause I am so passionate about. Furthermore, I'm thrilled to enter the blogosphere! I'll be journaling the trials and tribuations of my training while sharing other details and thoughts here. I'd love to hear from others who are running this year's Chicago Marathon -- especially those running for charity and their stories.

Happy trails!

Runner Girl & Dad

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