I'm not sure when the last time I bought new running shoes was, but I know was I living in my old apartment at the time. Athletic shoes are expensive, and I'd rather spend my hard-earned money on a pair of party shoes.
Knowing I couldn't put off the inevitable much longer -- and that'd get an earful if I wore new running shoes during my upcoming trip to the mitten -- I dragged B. to the local Sports Authority.
After weeding through a maze of sports bras, Cubs T-shirts and rollerblades, I landed in the running shoe aisle. Immediately, a salesman globbed onto me and began firing off questions: How many miles a week do you run? How often do you buy new shoes? Can you bend your knees, please?
"You see that, her ankle bending, in?" he asked a very confused-looking B. "She's pronating."
The salesman directed me towards the Asics on the wall and pointed at four possibilities. I picked Asics Cumulus 10 for one reason: On sale for $69.99, they were cheapest.

Interesting post.!! I too just got a new pair of Asics running shoes from Sports Authority at very good price.