Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mid-Week Inspiration

A common response when I tell people I'm running a marathon is, "A marathon? Like 26 miles?!?! I could NEVER do that!"

For those of you who think you can't, you're wrong.

Look no further than an entry in today's NYT' Well Blog "An Injured Soldier's Two-Week Marathon," for proof. The post tells a beautiful story of a British army officer that was paralyzed in Iraq during a February 2008 rocket attack. Once told he would never walk again, the relentless soldier underwent aggressive rehabilitation, took his first steps in February 2009 and completed the London marathon in April. His time? Two weeks.

Running a marathon may not be fun. Beyond that, it may be painful, agonizing, sweaty and uncomfortable; however, whether you believe it or not, you CAN do it!


  1. i got goosebumps just reading your synopisis of the article...i will have to check that out!

  2. Wow. What an amazing story of determination.
    I keep telling myself that yes, I too CAN do it, even though it is not the most fun sometimes. Just keep on envisioning the finish line....
